Kamala’s Native Tongue is “Gibberish.”

There have been several indications from Kamala’s past that she might not enjoy the highest IQ.  It took her a time or two to pass the bar exam in California.  And no one is confused about the “method” she used to execute her meteoric rise in the political world . . . just ask Willie Brown, her partner in that fortuitous “affair.”  And God knows we’ve all struggled to understand what the heck she’s talking about from time to time.

But Kamala’s infamous attempts to give a coherent answer to simple, albeit off-the-cuff, questions won’t be my focus today.  It’s Kamala’s prepared teleprompter remarks that baffle and worry me.

The economic “plan” that she shared last week was a real head-scratcher.  It might well have been inspired by the vice-president’s friends in Venezuela.  And it included price controls.  Had this woman ever read a book – or an article or even a paragraph – before she began touting price controls in her “opportunity economy?”  Nope, she was definitely “unburdened by what has been” in that speech.

Here’s what you get with price controls.  Scarcity!!  When businesses can’t make a profit, they will quit making widgets.  When businesses close their doors, more and more people are trying to buy fewer and fewer widgets (until they lose their jobs, that is), and the price of widgets skyrockets.  But there could be a silver lining.  The federal government is going to need a lot of new “price police.”

They can join the 80,000 IRS “tax police” hired by Biden/Harris to make sure we pay taxes on income that isn’t enough to buy groceries anymore.  Hey!  Price controls, along with the IRS crackdown, can have a dual purpose.  They can double up as Kamala’s employment plan – looking at revised employment numbers for 2023, she could really need it!

And how about paying taxes on money that’s never seen the light of day?  There’s something to write home about.  Kamala wants us to pay taxes on unrealized gain – gain on our retirement and college funds, or our savings and home.  Let’s repeat . . . that’s unrealized gain.  You haven’t sold or cashed in anything, no money in your pocket, it’s all on some government accountant’s ledger, but Kamala says, “Pay up!”  And if the value goes in the dumper tomorrow, too bad for you.

Do you know what kind of a profit margin that grocers operate on?  Roughly, 1.6%.  And do not try to tell me that a 1.6% profit margin is “price gouging!”  (Or if you really need to identify with Kamala, it’s “price gauging” to you.)  No one who believes that nonsense has ever run a business, helped to run a business, worked in a business or even passed by a business with their eyes open.  They don’t understand the most basic economic principles or how to build and maintain a successful small business.

All you folks who are having trouble paying your mortgages under Biden/Harris, there was more bad news for you too.  In the Kamala “opportunity economy,” you will have the “opportunity” to help pay for houses for people you don’t know.  Kamala is going to give those folks $25,000 to make sure they have the down payment they need to buy houses they can’t afford.

So, why would Kamala Harris have given us an economic plan so full of economic “gibberish” that the most liberal media in the nation have called it foolish – “tricks and gimmicks” – and completely devoid of any workable policy?  Why?  Because she believes this garbage.  She is a lifelong socialist.  “Equality” isn’t good enough for Kamala.  Equality calls for an equal opportunity to succeed.  Equality means that the government will apply no artificial restraints on a citizen’s ability to rise in this society.

Kamala advocates for “equity,” not “equality.”  And Kamala’s definition of “equity” is that everyone must end up essentially with the same life.  That means that the government must take from some in society to redistribute to others who may or may not be at all deserving.  It doesn’t matter that you may be more intelligent, more creative, more hardworking than your neighbor.  Your government will take from you to give to the lazy son-of-a-gun next door until you both have the same.

That’s communism, pure and simple.  And it’s incredibly bad economics!

Even in socialist or communist countries with rapidly expanding economies, autocratic policy, which is a dead necessity when you’re working to strip a population of its economic freedoms, guarantees a large percentage of those populations will exist in extreme poverty.  Many of those fortunate enough to get work will do so in near-slave conditions, with low wages that barely cover a basic subsistence.  A handful at the top of the food chain will be fabulously wealthy, but a middle-class will be virtually non-existent.

Vice-presidential candidate, J.D. Vance, summed it up pretty well.  “Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy . . . is like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy.”

If you are young or just haven’t been paying enough attention and believe in some utopian view of Marxism/communism/socialism, I implore you to research the outcomes in the former Soviet Union, China, North Korea or Cuba.  Before you fall for the shiny “new” socialist thing Kamala is selling, study the outcomes in Venezuela, Syria, Nicaragua or Algeria.

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