We May Be In For A Socialist Hellscape

I just watched Bill Clinton give the most deceptive political speech any Democrat has given in the past thirty years, and folks . . . that’s saying a bunch, because many Democrats lie more easily than they breathe!  That disgusting, lecherous old man (unlike his “dear” friend, Joe Biden, he rarely stopped with just sniffing young girls’ hair) called people like me power-hungry fools.

Well, Bill is a clever fellow, but I’m no slouch in the IQ department either, and while I’ve been known to help other people win elective office, I’ve damn sure never had the slightest interest in doing it myself.  So, no power-grab here.  But the nasty old codger from Hope, Arkansas wasn’t even the worst of what we had to endure from the DNC tonight.

We heard all about “joy” from one celebrity or politician after another who has propped up the devastatingly “joyless” Biden/Harris administration for the past three and a half years.  For God’s sake, do they think the American people are just stupid?  Do we not all know what’s happened to the price of groceries, gasoline and housing?  I can count!  And I count a lot fewer dollars in my pocket.

The “why” of the Biden/Harris inflation is pretty simple.  One factor was the response to covid.  It led to a huge outlay and printing tons of money.  And we should never shut down our economic engine, NEVER.  The spending, coupled with shutting down our ability to produce, epitomizes the causes of inflation.  Printing and spending money we don’t have.  The government needs to quit SPENDING!!

Kamala Harris has given about two paragraph’s worth of actual economic policy since she was anointed the Democrat candidate for president.  It was just brilliant – wage and price controls that have FAILED everywhere they’ve been instituted, including America in the 70s!  They have never succeeded anywhere, not once.  Wage and price controls . . . swell, a socialist hellscape!

Let’s talk about the “joy” we all feel while stumbling over a homeless man with a needle sticking out of his arm.  Or while waiting for a cop who won’t be coming when our shops are looted.  And I can’t tell you how “giggley” I am when I hear about the criminals being let out on “cashless bail” while Americans who share my political views are assaulted by the justice department.

Willie Brown and Kamala Harris in 1994, https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/07/31/willie-brown-kamala-harris-campaign-column-00171885

Kamala on crime is a sad joke.  Her record as District Attorney of San Francisco and, later, as Attorney General of California is dismal.  Those were two other jobs she did not earn and was completely unqualified to do.  Her boyfriend, Willie Brown (a powerful, married, politician 30-years her senior) orchestrated Kamala’s rise in California politics.

The importance of her relationship with Willie Brown to Kamala’s career can’t be overstated.  He appointed her to high-profile and powerful state boards and introduced her to major donors and power brokers in California.  “I would think it’s fair to say that most of the people in San Francisco met her through Willie,” said John Burton, who used to be president pro tem of the state Senate, former chair of the California Democratic Party and a San Francisco political powerhouse in his own right. (Politico, Ben Christopher,

In 2020, even after Kamala accused Joe Biden of racism in the Democrat primary debates (although probably true), good old Joe needed a DEI hire who ticked the boxes, a female person-of-color whose IQ without the dementia was lower than his.  Enter Kamala Harris.  Do you doubt the veracity of that statement?  Old Joe said it himself.  He told us exactly who he wanted on that ticket – a Black woman.

And golly, it’s a real thrill reading about the hotel bills that my taxes are paying to house all the illegals that Kamala, the “border czar,” let in . . . with room service, no less!  We’ve filled all the jobs washing dishes or carrying buckets of cement we can with undocumented immigrants.  What now?  Americans are hoping for an improved economy and better jobs, but even if those jobs come back – ‘highly doubtful under Kamala – are Americans competing with illegals for the jobs?

Kamala wants to provide first-time homeowners who do not earn enough to save for a down-payment or qualify for a home loan with a $25,000 downpayment.  Skip past the over $1 trillion that it would cost or what it would do to home prices.  Kamala thinks that increasing home ownership, by any means, will provide an automatic “return on investment” for the entire economy.  (I think she added “ROI” to her vocabulary just last week!)

Was she in a coma in 2008?  Did she not live through the housing crisis, the lender meltdown, the “banks too big to fail” with the rest of us?  Did her hero, Obama, and his wife not explain how “joyful” it was governing through bank failures and race riots?  She seems to have learned nothing, but that’s hardly a surprise.  This lady is just plain dumb.

Before I close, lest anyone who is “unburdened by what has been” might have forgotten exactly what all of us – Republican and Democrat – thought of Kamala JUST TWO MONTHS AGO, here’s a YouTube video you really should watch.  And if you just search for “Kamala word salad,” there are plenty more where this came from!  https://youtu.be/5-tDVz3cgOg?si=7aeQ-m0hiLFbdMGC

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